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YouDriver - social

9 Ago 2022, 08:00
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3 mistakes not to make with your customers in the workshop

Many wonder what we need to do to attract customers. In reality, the "already customers" are a real treasure, to be kept with extreme care.

  • Excessive informality of the workshop
  • Poor customer service
  • Ineffective service


Every day we always try to attract new customers, but we don't always consider the huge treasure that are already active customers. We always try to look outside the workshop, when in reality we ...

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YouDriver - social

23 Ago 2022, 08:00
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Mechanical workshop: because every workshop should have it as a service

Mechanical workshops are progressively gaining ground within the automotive world. Within this article, we will try to understand the costs and economic returns, as well as the relationship with the customer in terms of loyalty.

  • Why also have a mobile workshop
  • When to use a mobile workshop externally
  • The benefits you could get by using an external service, or by offering an internal one.

Why also have a mobile workshop ...

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YouDriver - social

16 Ago 2022, 08:00
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Mobile Workshop: why contact them and the advantages

Lately the car market is discovering a new way of maintenance and help for cars in difficulty. Within this article, we will try to understand what mobile workshops are and the advantages associated with them.

What are mobile workshops?
When we have the car that needs repair, we traditionally take it to a trusted mechanic. In the majority of cases, in fact, motorists plan their own maintenance, so that the ...

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YouDriver - social

1 Ago 2022, 09:32
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What are all the costs of a mechanical workshop?

At the end of the fair, it goes on lowering costs and increasing revenues. Within this article we will do an in-depth analysis of all the costs that a workshop has to incur. In fact, there are fixed costs and variable costs. The former are those that must be supported unequivocally and by all # workshops… while the latter vary according to the extent of the services, the number of personnel ...

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YouDriver - social

26 Jul 2022, 08:00
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Ford and the ability to reinvent itself after the pandemic

The US automotive house is a clear case of how a centuries-old brand can be transformed by taking full advantage of technology.

Henry # Ford is the inventor of the assembly line, and he is the one who started the automotive revolution.

Before Ford, in fact, cars were handcrafted products of the highest quality, but with decidedly not very affordable costs. By inventing the assembly line, it has been possible to ...

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