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YouDriver - tir bus

12 Abr 2021, 12:19
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Driving license C: Drive to get it

If you've always wanted to drive the so-called bison of the road, this guide is for you.

Very often children have a passion, that of becoming little big truck drivers one day. The bison of the road in fact have always had an amazing charm towards the little ones of the house. Their size, in addition to their proportions, have always fascinated millions and millions of young and future ...

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YouDriver - tir bus

30 Mar 2021, 12:19
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Mercedes further perfects its electric truck

The house of the German star is carrying out an experiment started in July 2 years ago, about its fully electric traction truck. Let's see the partial results.

When it comes to sustainable mobility, our neurons are immediately linked to the concept of cars. Many do not know what has been concretely achieved up to now also in the world of electric-powered trucks. While politics is continuing to debate ...

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YouDriver - tir bus

23 Feb 2021, 12:02
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Ducato, the best-selling commercial vehicle in Europe

After almost forty years, Fiat's quintessential commercial vehicle becomes for the first time the best-selling vehicle on the European market according to Dataforce.

The Automotive world can roughly distinguish between the area linked to the transport of people and the area linked to the transport of goods. Whenever in Italy one thinks of a commercial vehicle dedicated to transporting goods within the city, the name of the Ducato immediately ...

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YouDriver - tir bus

26 Ene 2021, 18:07
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The world of Mercedes campers in 2021

The camper sector is booming, as can be seen with the new record in 2020 of 80,000 motorhomes registered in Germany alone.

Campers are in fashion. Boom in registrations in Germany and similar situation in Europe and the United States of America for a very promising forecast year. The expansion of the coronavirus around the world has somewhat changed the habits of Italians and Europeans. The campers have seen ...

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YouDriver - tir bus

4 Ene 2021, 12:11
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Mercedes Benz Certified, la seconda vita dei camion

Mercedes presenta una nuovo bollino di garanzia per i suoi Truck usati. Garanzia di 12 o 24 mesi sugli organi della trasmissione invalida a livello europeo. Scopriamo insieme nel dettaglio.

Tutti noi sappiamo come ultimamente, con la stagnazione economica prodotta da coronavirus, sia fondamentale andare a spingere e valorizzare il mercato dell'usato. Stiamo parlando non solo però dell'usato delle autovetture che tutti noi possiamo acquistare tradizionalmente recandoci presso ...

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