From today, the platform is operational to obtain the subsidy in order to compensate for the increase introduced since last November 1st.
Car overhaul is a fundamental aspect for the health and safety of all of us. Buying a car does not mean having no more expenses to guarantee safety and solidity when driving.
Over time and over the years, cars can experience decreases in performance. The same goes for safety and for this reason, every four years from the first registration and subsequently every two years, the cars must be carefully inspected.
Over the last year there has been a decision by the authorities to increase the cost of the overhaul, but with the introduction of a bonus from January. So the fateful day has finally arrived to request a refund of just under € 10.
The increase compared to the past is equal to 12 euros and 14 cents as defined by the Ministry of Infrastructure. The current government, however, has decided to meet motorists who are already heavily harassed in various respects and to recognize a bonus made specifically for the overhaul.
Therefore, all those who need or want to request this aspect can apply for the grant.
Starting today 3 January 2022, the platform defined as "safe vehicle voucher" will therefore be active.
Users can then request a bonus of 9 euros and 95 cents, equal to the amount of the increase deducted from VAT.
The application will obviously be valid for those who have checked their car since last November 1st, or from the date of entry into force of the provision.
There is no need to rush to the site as it will be available to apply for this for the next three years.
But be careful that we have to respect some rules. The bonus is in fact granted to owners for only one vehicle, once. To apply, it is necessary to have a digital identity card or a national service card and obviously fill in a form available online.
Subsequently it will be clearly necessary to attach a document certifying the expenditure incurred for the revision.
Once this aspect has been carried out, it will be sufficient to wait for the crediting to your current account.
This news is really excellent for all those people who are in financial difficulty or who in any case do not consider the increase correct and intend to request reimbursement for the increase of a cost related to the revision.
Thanks to the introduction of this rule, the Draghi Government therefore wants to reach out to all these people in order to calm a constant increase in general prices that has been recorded in the last period.
credit photo FREEPIK