In the moments immediately following an accident, people are often disoriented and do not know what actions to take. In this article we will try to summarize and analyze every single aspect.

Fortunately, it does not happen often that you have a car accident. This occurrence is an exceptional aspect that must be kept at a distance from us in terms of probability through conscious and safe driving.

Responsibility is an aspect that cannot be ignored every time we drive our car as we can be responsible for accidents that damage not only us, but also the people who are in our car and all those who can intercept along the way.

If in the event that we do an accident with other cars, there are some aspects that we need to remember.

Certainly calm is the first thing we must have as soon as an accident occurs, as we must be fully aware of the consequences to the damage of the car but also to the physical traumas that can happen.

As soon as an accident occurs, the insurance will automatically go up as there is an event that will lead to an increase in insurance after the accident.

Let's assume we have had an accident and suffered damage. It is possible to claim direct action compensation from the insurance company if we are the victim of an accident caused by a third person. In fact, we can contact our insurance company in order to obtain direct compensation and it will then be our insurance that refers to the insurance of the other person.

Obviously, after realizing that you have had an accident, let's immediately make sure that there are no serious injuries in our car or other cars or that they are present on the spot. As soon as we understand that everyone is fine, we can proceed with the analysis of the cars and the analysis of the consequences.

In the event that there are injured people, even in a mild form, we remind you that it is not possible to leave the place of the accident until the police arrive to make the so-called findings of the case.

Assuming that we have made an accident in the middle of the main road of our city, we cannot fail to secure the place of the accident. In other words, we must try to report the accident to other people by placing the warning triangle at a distance of up to 100 meters if the road is fast. In fact, the risk is that another accident could happen due to distraction or to look at what happened. This behavior must be carried out in particular if we are immediately after a curve or at the end of a tunnel or in all those situations where the road is poorly lit.

If there are any injured, obviously we must immediately call 118 and wait for the arrival of the medical workers. In the event that the 118 intervention is not necessary, we can obviously carry out first aid to people by acting with caution and within the limits of their abilities.

In the event that we have committed an accident which has led to the onset of injuries, Italian law obliges us not to leave the place before the arrival of the Police or the Carabinieri. If we move away we can be subject to a complaint with imprisonment of up to three years and suspension of the license for up to three years.

There is also the so-called failure to assist the injured, which can lead to the suspension of the driving license for up to 5 years and imprisonment for up to three years. As soon as the police bodies arrive, they will accept any violations of the Highway Code and will carry out the so-called surveys. They will then compile a report where all the personal information and descriptions of the cars will be noted, including number plates and documents for circulation.

In the event that we had witnessed an accident we can obviously witness what happened in order to protect the injured party even more.

In the event that there is a dead person in the accident, the Police will seize the vehicles and make the necessary investigations.

So here is a guide on all the things that must be done and remembered in the event of an accident occurring. The most important aspect, however, is to remain calm as only with calm and cool blood is it possible to realize what has happened and bring relief to the injured as well as secure the road surface.

The economic issues related to the increase in insurance are secondary aspects compared to the importance of everyone's health.


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