When you buy a car, in addition to the basic liability insurance, you can add a whole series of other guarantees. Let's talk about the fire theft guarantee, up to the kasko. Let's find out together with the details.
As we all know, the person who decides to buy a car is still required to pay annual insurance. We are talking about civil liability, but you can also have a whole series of other forms of insurance that cover certain other aspects. In this article we want to create a definitive and clear guide, written in a simple way, in order to understand if the possible insurance supplement is suitable for our situation.
Let's start with the broader form of guarantee which is termed Kasko . The Kasko is certainly the most expensive form of insurance, but it is the one that covers everything that can relate to our car. In fact, the insurance is responsible for compensating all material damage, direct and suffered by the vehicle.
In cases where we need legal protection , there is also this particular form of ancillary insurance policy. In fact, the insurance will take care of all legal costs related to injured people and anything else in the event that the insured person has to defend himself in court. All kinds of legal proceedings are included. This form of insurance is applied either to compensate for damage suffered or to defend against a claim for compensation. This form of insurance is therefore useful to avoid having to pay any lawyers or appraisers with the costs that are very important.
There is also a note of the forms of insurance that speaks of natural events. These policies cover the damage suffered by the vehicle, such as heavy rain, hail and so on in the event that there is a violent hail or there is a form of small or large flood . Natural events thus cover such forms of unfortunate events.
Very often, however, when an accident develops, the driver can be the victim of injuries . For this reason, the driver's accident policy makes it possible to cover the damage suffered by the insured who drove the vehicle. If we have other people on board, this policy allows us to cover other people as well.
There is also a policy that covers the windows of the car. Sometimes he can understand that he has a small chip linked to a small pebble taken on the windshield of the car on the highway. Through this policy we will be able to avoid important costs of replacement of the windshield as it covers the costs of repair and replacement in the vast majority of cases.
As the last major type of supplementary insurance for cars, there is the so-called "fire theft" . The insurance company will compensate the person who takes out the insurance against the theft of the car. Instead, we talk about fire insurance, all those times that we will compensate the value of any objects contained inside the car (even owned by third parties) or the entire value of the car if it has been the subject of a fire.
Here is therefore explained very briefly, but in a precise and exhaustive way, the different and main types of integrations that can be made when subscribing to car insurance. Clearly the costs increase but also the coverage of the insurance protections of our car increases. Obviously our advice is to make several estimates, in order to have the best possible solution for our car.