When we have to change cars and buy a new one, there are many small aspects that we can observe to verify the real age and real use of the car. Let's find out what they are together.
The world of used # is a truly special world characterized by a thousand unexpected events of every single nature. As a first aspect, we obviously recommend registering on our YouDriver.com portal to subsequently search for the most suitable used car.
At this point, we will be able to search among all the offers present within our beautiful country, the most congenial one and then go in person to view it.
However, once you get in front of the car, there are some aspects that need to be checked immediately. In fact, if the seller says the car is 10 years old and around 5,000 km, there is probably a few more aspects to check.
The cars in fact have mileage between 10 and 20,000 km per year. Obviously if the car is 10 years old, it is quite unlikely that it has simply and only 5,000 km. It is true that some event may have occurred that prevented the car from circulating, but it is quite a rare event. That said, here are other very simple aspects that we can easily observe without being too expert mechanics.
The first object of analysis is certainly the steering wheel.
The steering wheel is the first indicator of the state of use of a car. Normally the steering wheel is not replaced except for very special cases. However, if we notice that the steering wheel has the crown, the circle to be understood, too new compared to the whole interior complex, probably the seller replaced it as it was excessively worn. The restoration phase of the steering wheel is in fact excessively expensive and is carried out only in very rare cases of historic cars of high value.
Another aspect that we must observe is certainly the state of the pedal board. Also in this case, if the rubber pads on the pedals are too new, compared to the rest of the car, there may have been problems with a recent intervention.
The gearbox, both the knob and the headset, are also aspects that can be indicators of interventions in order to mask and refine the aesthetic age of the car. Changing or replacing the gear knob is something really simple, and of immediate realization.
A much more complicated aspect is instead going to perfect and make the seats immaculate. We observe, as a first aspect, we observe if the seats have suffered a structural failure and once seated, we sink into the seat. Adjusting the seat is certainly something expensive, and to be carried out only in truly extreme cases.
Once on board, we ask the seller to be able to start the car and observe any squeaks present inside the vehicle and inside the engine compartment. Obviously, let's not forget to carry out a test drive with the seller, to have direct feedback on any problems in terms of driving. We obviously pay close attention to braking, steering and acceleration.
If, the aspects are in line with the mileage of the car, we can move on to the negotiation phase and eventually buy the vehicle.
credit photo Freepik