Many wonder what we need to do to attract customers. In reality, the "already customers" are a real treasure, to be kept with extreme care.

  • Excessive informality of the workshop
  • Poor customer service
  • Ineffective service


Every day we always try to attract new customers, but we don't always consider the huge treasure that are already active customers. We always try to look outside the workshop, when in reality we must first look inside the workshop.

This doesn't mean that we don't have to look for new customers, but we still need to be sure that the service we offer is 5-star. The real overall goal of any successful business is to attract customers and keep them, making their requests profitable.

Nobody needs a customer who simply replaces a position light bulb, but instead needs a loyal customer who has the goal of making his car excellent.

All this because bringing new customers into your own workshop is a huge waste of forces, and therefore we must not subsequently disperse them.

The key word that we must remember is "customer loyalty". Often some very serious errors are noticed, which must however be corrected immediately and which therefore lead to adequate customer management within the workshop.

Excessive informality of the workshop
The first mistake is clearly the excessive informality within the workshop. When people come to our workshop, they are not simply buying a service, but are entrusting us with one of the most precious and high-value goods.

This is why going to a dirty workshop, or in any case not well managed, is something deleterious . First of all, the image is fundamental: we are talking about both the external image, that is signs and cleaning of the premises, but also an image on the web. The internet is essential to intercept and keep your customers alive. No customer wants to go to a workshop where there are negative reviews, or where there is a bad smell in the waiting rooms.

We therefore try to leave some simple aspects in our restaurant clearly visible, such as the services offered and the cleaning hours, which must always be visible. The sign must be very bright and clean, to give the attention to these small details.

We also try to formalize the entire communication process between the workshop and the customer. We are talking about a quality standard, in terms of customer acceptance and subsequent diagnosis. The YouDriver application is very useful to allow easy and practical acceptance and communication with the customer. In this way, the workshops can go to communicate directly to the customer in a unique way, and centralizing all the communication flows within a single tool. We therefore avoid other tools that are decidedly dispersive, such as emails, rather than phone calls or messages on other social networks. This is how the quality of the service increases significantly, with immediate repercussions also in terms of turnover.

Poor customer service
The second big mistake is to offer poor customer service. The customer, in the last period, is really demanding. We therefore try to offer a complete service that starts from a service by appointment, to give priority to certain interventions.

In this way, the customer avoids unnecessary trips to the workshop, and the same workshop is able to optimally plan all the management of the repair procedures. In doing so, we tend towards an ordinary hospital ward rather than an emergency room.

We also try to carry out a follow-up process with the client, in order to know how he was, and if there were any problems after the intervention. We can also communicate any promotional offers to the customer, which however must be clearly contextualized with his case. If we have just made the oil change to a particular customer, it is useless to contact him to propose the oil change, as we have just opened a promotion related to this aspect.

This is therefore how a sartorial aspect of attention is fundamental, by virtue of the enormous number of workshops and the fact that the customer can suddenly change the reference workshop.

Ineffective service
The third big mistake we must never make is clearly that of inefficient service. A very simple example is punctuality in delivery.

If a certain procedure foresees an estimated delivery time at 6pm, we clearly cannot deliver the machine around 8pm, as the customer will have to wait in the workshop for two hours.

If anything, the customer had to cancel appointments and move certain meetings, to be in the workshop at 6pm. This, of course, will definitely make the customer very nervous. In other words, we could see the customer for the last time, before he changes shop.

Unforeseen events are clearly the order of the day, but in the event that we understand about the impossibility of delivering the car at the scheduled time, we simply have to contact the customer and explain the situation.

This aspect must clearly be something emergency and not something ordinary.

The second aspect is the modification without notice of the estimate. As soon as we notice important changes in the initial quotation, we must immediately contact the client, in order to make him participate in this new technical insurgency. If we had to change the oil, but replacing it, we notice that there is a need for an important intervention on the engine, here we clearly cannot replace other parts, except with the authorization of the subject himself.

Here are the three main problems that must absolutely be avoided, in order to have an optimal customer management. In this way, our officina will be able to climb the ranking of customer appreciation, and be increasingly appreciated in the area.

Clearly, registering the workshop with YouDriver is one of the first steps that we recommend to all workshops, in order to achieve as immediate and tangible success as possible. YouDriver is a very important application that allows you to be found by customers and maintain a constant and always updated communication flow. Thanks to this application, also available for Android and iPhone smartphones, you always have total control of everything that goes through the workshop, and of the relationship between the customer and the workshop itself.

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