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YouDriver - social

12 May 2021, 12:28


Car keys: how to duplicate them

The car key is obviously something essential to start the engine and be able to leave. Let's see how we can duplicate them with or without immobilizer.

Lately we see many modern cars, equipped with cutting-edge technologies and which can also be opened simply with a mobile phone. The vast majority of people, however, are still tied to the old key which is obviously necessary to start the engine ...

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YouDriver - social

11 May 2021, 12:11


Private driver's license: is it really worth it?

In Italy it is possible to obtain a driving license both by regularly attending the driving school, but also by studying at home and obtaining a private driver's license. Let's find out together the advantages of both parties and how it is possible to get a private driver's license.

Driving a car is certainly an exciting aspect for everyone, but it certainly has costs. The first cost ...

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YouDriver - social

10 May 2021, 12:15


Allergies and driving: a delicate combination

The spring period has always been associated with the explosion of allergies. An allergic person has always been at the center of sneezing problems and potential loss of attention for a few moments. All this is not possible while driving. Let's find out some simple and small tips together.

Spring is truly a splendid season. Nature recovers after the winter and the colors of the fields and flowers explode ...

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YouDriver - social

4 May 2021, 12:14


Extensions in sight for revision and driving license

News in sight for those who drive a car: some important dates for car management have been moved. Let's see together what has been decided.

The coronavirus is completely revolutionizing the entire Automotive market and also as regards the deadlines of automotive practices. In fact, very often we forget the deadlines and we have to run to avoid heavy penalties.

Given the problem of being able to quickly access ...

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YouDriver - social

3 May 2021, 12:12


How to consume less fuel

In a historical moment where hybrid cars are becoming more and more successful than combustion engine cars, it is essential to understand how to consume less. Let's find out together with these small but precious tips.

Mobility is currently moving more and more towards concepts of sustainable mobility and the ability to develop hybrid engines. As we all know, a hybrid engine is perfect for being driven within the ...

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