#elettriche: 26 post Search

One of the most influential people in the electric automotive world, he has launched an important an...
12 jul 2022 - YouDriver - social
The head of Volkswagen raises the alarm on electric cars: in Italy they are not suitable for traveling
After introducing the fully electric SUVs, now is the time for the first sedan. The German automotiv...
8 jul 2022 - YouDriver - auto
Volkswagen presents the first 100% electric sedan.
The German automotive house has created two showcars dedicated to Star Wars, of its 100% electric Va...
31 may 2022 - YouDriver - social
Volkswagen reveals two special version ID.Buzzs
Very often we talk about # sustainable mobility, as a positive epochal turning point. However, the r...
10 may 2022 - YouDriver - social
Does sustainable mobility have risks?
As soon as we turn on the television, we immediately notice how the advertisements in the automotive...
19 apr 2022 - YouDriver - social
Is the electrical transition really inevitable? The role of the institutions
Many people wonder what can happen to the battery of an electric car in the event of a major impact ...
11 apr 2022 - YouDriver - auto
What happens to an electric car battery in the event of an accident?
The world of sustainable mobility is recently wondering whether electric cars will be subject to mai...
8 mar 2022 - YouDriver - auto
Are electric cars serviced?
Sustainable mobility is changing the automotive world, but also people's behavior. The latter in fac...
20 jan 2022 - YouDriver - auto
How people's behaviors change with electric cars
The Automotive market in 2021 recorded a drop of 25% compared to 2 years ago. The general situation ...
19 jan 2022 - YouDriver - auto
Car registrations 2021: the data
The Automotive market is progressively shifting to the electrification of vehicles. Like all new tec...
6 jul 2021 - YouDriver - social
Replacement of electric batteries of a hybrid car: costs and procedures
... stanno prodigando per ottenere una sostenibilità economica ed ambientale delle vetture elettriche. Mercedes fa l'analisi dell'attuale situazione e delle prospettive future. Con l'avanzare...
15 apr 2020 - YouDriver - auto
Mercedes e la rotta per batterie più sostenibili
... Salone di Francoforte abbiamo visto molte offerte di vetture elettriche. Non proprio economiche nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi. I residenti in Lombardia, ...
18 sep 2019 - YouDriver - auto
Auto elettriche, fino a 14.000 euro in meno in Lombardia
... auto del calibro di Audi Q4 e-tron, VW I.D. e che sarà la base per le future elettriche del gruppo. Le stime della casa produttrice tedesca affermano che nel giro di pochi anni ...
4 jun 2019 - YouDriver - auto
Skoda Vision iV, la coupé elettrica in arrivo
... sotto la lente d’ingrandimento, le auto elettriche sono destinate a prendere sempre più piede. Il loro successo passa però da un perfezionam...
17 jan 2019 - YouDriver - social
Il futuro delle batterie elettriche
... a benzina. Un calo che purtroppo non è stato infatti colmato dalla crescita di auto #elettriche, che sono ancora troppo acerbe come mercato e come diffusione, per motivi legati al costo...
26 apr 2018 - YouDriver - social
Il bollo è gratis se rottamisi
The European Parliament has approved a law that prevents the sale of petrol or diesel cars from 2035...
17 feb 2023 - YouDriver - auto
Thermal cars: from 2035 production stopped, but ok for circulation