Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale
Bollettino viabilità strade italiane
Aggiornato al 31/03/2025 23:05

A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: closed service area due to works near the East Scudillo
The Service Area SCUDILLO EST on the A56 Naples ring road is currently closed to ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:05

A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: Chiusa entrance causes works near Capodimonte
On the Naples ring road there is a closure of the entrance in the direction ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:05

A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: Chiusa entrance causes works near Arenella
On the Naples ring road there are important traffic closures. The entry of arenella will ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:04

A14 Bologna-Taranto: Coda due to restoration accident near Pedaso
On the section of the A14 Bologna-Taranto, there are currently queues in a south direction ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:03

A56 Naples ring road: closed section due to work near Corso Malta
The A56 Tangenziale di Napoli is currently affected by works that involve the closure of ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:03

A56 Naples ring road: closed output causes works near Vomero
Vomero's exit on the A56 Tangenziale di Napoli is currently closed to traffic due ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:03

A1 Milan-Napoli: closed exit causes works near Capodichino
A closing of the Capodichino exit is reported on the A1 Milan-Napoli due to ongoing ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:02

A24 Rome-Athemo: rain near San Gabriele Colledara
On the A24 Rome-Athemo there are rain conditions near San Gabriele-Colladara. The drivers are invited ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:01

A25 Torano-Pescara: rain near Cocullo
There are rain conditions on the A25 Torano-Pescara motorway , in particular near Cocullo . It is ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:00

A14 Bologna-Taranto: rain near Gioia del Colle
Attention to motorists who are located along the A14 Bologna-Taranto. There are rain conditions near ... leggi tutto
Today, 22:57