Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Bollettino viabilità strade italiane

Aggiornato al 30/03/2025 15:56


SS11 Padana Superiore: accident involving motorcycles

On the SS11 Padana Superiore there was an accident involving several motorcycles. The accident occurred ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:56


A4 Milan-Brescia️: Coda due to intense traffic near Milan East

We report strong slowdowns on the a4 Milan-Brescia , in particular near the barrier of Milan ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:51


A25 Torano-Pescara: rain near Sulmona-Pratola Peligna

On the A25 Torano-Pescara, there are rain conditions near Sulmona-Pratola Peligna . Motorists must pay particular ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:51


A10 Genoa-Savona: Coda due to the accident near Varazze

On the A10 Genova-Savona, there are queues for an accident that took place near Varazze ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:48


A4 Milan-Brescia️: Slow traffic slowed down due to an important sporting event near Milan

On the A4 Milan-Brescia, the viability is undergoing significant slowdowns due to a important sporting ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:39


SS83 Marsican: maintenance works

On the SS83 Marsican , there are maintenance works that will affect the intersection between the ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:34


A14 Bologna-Taranto: Coda causes works near Roseto degli Abruzzi

On the A14 Bologna-Taranto, slowdowns are recorded due to work in progress near roseto degli ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:32


A10 Genoa-Savona: Coda due to the accident near Varazze

On the A10 Genova-Savona there are important inconvenience due to an accident that occurred near ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:25


A14 Bologna-Taranto: traffic slowed down due to urgent floor restores near Atri Pineto

On the A14 Bologna-Taranto , there are slowdowns of traffic between roseto degli Abruzzi and pine ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:21


SS186 by Monreale: Flame vehicle

On the SS186 of Monreale , there is a vehicle on flames at the Borgetto crossing ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:18

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