Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Bollettino viabilità strade italiane

Aggiornato al 30/03/2025 23:10


A26 Genova Voltri-Gravellona Toce: closed stretch due to works near Masone

A section of the26 Genoa Voltri-Gravellona Toce near Masone is currently closed due to ongoing ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:10


A14 Bologna-Taranto: Closed connection causes works near Imola

On the A14 Bologna-Taranto, we report the closure of the flood near Imola due to ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:10


A10 Genova-Savona: closed section due to work near Genoa Airport

The A10 Genova-Savona is currently affected by significant traffic closures. In particular, the section between ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:08


A26 Genoa Voltri-Gravellona Toce: closed service area due to works near the west Stura

The STINE WEST SERVICE AREA on the A26 Genova Voltri-Gravellona Toce is currently closed due ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:05


A26 Genova Voltri-Gravellona Toce: closed service area due to works near Turkish west

On the A26 Genova Voltri-Gravellona Toce motorway, the west Turkish service area is currently closed ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:04


A16 Naples-Canous: strong wind near A16/A14 connection

On the A16 Naples-Canous there are conditions of strong wind near the A16/A14 flooding ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:03


A26 Genova Voltri-Gravellona Toce: closed section due to works near A26/A10 connection

The section of the A26 Genoa Voltri-Gravellona Toce is currently closed due to works in ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:02


A1 Milan-Napoli: tail causes works near Orte

On the a1 Milan-Napoli there are significant expectations due to work in progress near orte ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:53


A10 Genoa-Savona: slowdowed traffic due to intense traffic near Pra '

On the A10 Genova-Savona, significant slowdowns are recorded due to intense traffic near Pra '. Slow ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:46


SS7quater Quater Via Domiziana: traffico rallentato

Sulla SS7quater, nota anche come Via Domiziana, si segnala un rallentamento del traffico a causa ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:44

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