Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale
Bollettino viabilità strade italiane
Aggiornato al 28/03/2025 15:57

A14 Bologna-Taranto: Coda due to the accident near Pescara Nord-City Sant'Angelo
slowdowns and inconveniences for motorists traveling along the A14 Bologna-Taranto. A tail of 2 km ... leggi tutto
Today, 15:57

A1 Milan-Napoli: tail causes congested traffic near Pontecorvo
We report a tail of 3 km on the A1 Milan-Napoli highway, in a south ... leggi tutto
Today, 15:54

SS65 Della Futa: Chorsa Chiusa
We report a closing of lane on the SS65 of the Futa due to a ... leggi tutto
Today, 15:52

A1 Milan-Napoli: Coda due to the accident near Pontecorvo
On the A1 Milan-Napoli motorway , there are traffic problems due to an accident that occurred ... leggi tutto
Today, 15:46

A4 Milan-Brescia️: Coda causes curious to Grumello
A significant slowdown in traffic is reported along the A4 Milan-Brescia motorway , in particular near ... leggi tutto
Today, 15:44

SS3 via Flaminia: queues at times
On the SS3 via Flaminia there are currently queues at times due to intense traffic ... leggi tutto
Today, 15:42

SS148 Pontina: queues at times
are reported tails at times along the SS148 Pontina caused by intense traffic. The congestions ... leggi tutto
Today, 15:41

A24 Rome-Athemo: slowdowed traffic due to a stop or failure vehicle near Vicovaro-Mandela
On the A24 Rome-Athemo , there are currently slowdowns of traffic in the direction of Teramo ... leggi tutto
Today, 15:40

A10 Genova-Savona: tail causes intense traffic near Celle Ligure
are reported queues on the a10 Genova-Savona due to intense traffic near Ligurian cells . Motorists ... leggi tutto
Today, 15:38

A4 Milan-Brescia️: Coda due to accident near Seriate
We report a tail of 5 km on the a4 Milan-Brescia , due to an accident ... leggi tutto
Today, 15:38