citizenship and motorists informed that, on the a5 Turin - Aosta - Mont Blanc , there are important traffic limitations. The section is currently closed due to work in progress near Aosta.
The closure specifically concerns the section between the connection A5/SS26 dir and Aosta West , and will be effective up to 06:00 on March 23, 2025 . It is essential to pay attention and plan your travels in order to avoid possible inconvenience.
The motorists of:
is recommended-
use alternative itineraries , if possible.
Follow road signs for indications on deviations and alternative routes.
plan their movements in advance, taking into account the time necessary for modified journeys.
It is important to maintain maximum prudence and collaboration during this period of work, to ensure the safety of all road users.
(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)