Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Bollettino viabilità strade italiane

Aggiornato al 25/03/2025 13:12


SS7quadir Lago Patria - SS7 Quater Via Domiziana -Ischitella Lido: Slow traffic

Slow traffic is reported on the ss7 quater in the direction of via Domiziana , due ... leggi tutto

Today, 13:12


SS650 of Fondo Valle Trigno: maintenance works

On the SS650 of Fondo Valle Trigno maintenance works are underway that will affect a ... leggi tutto

Today, 13:12


A11 Florence-Pisa Nord: slowdowed traffic due to materials dispersed near Pistoia

On the A11 Florence-Pisa Nord, there are slowdowns of traffic due to dispersed materials near ... leggi tutto

Today, 12:59


A14 Bologna-Taranto: slowdowed traffic due to accident near Porto S. Elpidio

slowed traffic on the A14 Bologna-Taranto due to an accident near Porto Sant'Elpidio . Motorists ... leggi tutto

Today, 12:56


SS75 Umbrian Central: Reduction of roadway due to works

starting from the 09:00 until 18:00 on March 25, 2025 , there is a ... leggi tutto

Today, 12:56


A11 Florence-Pisa Nord: tail causes intense traffic near A11/A1 connection

On the A11 Florence-Pisa Nord there are currently queues due to intense traffic near the ... leggi tutto

Today, 12:51


A1 Milan-Napoli: tail causes intense traffic near Modena Nord

On the a1 Milan-Napoli , there are currently queues near Modena Nord due to a particularly ... leggi tutto

Today, 12:45


A1 Milan-Napoli: tail causes intense traffic near A1/A22 connection

On the a1 Milan-Napoli , there are significant queues due to intense traffic in the connection ... leggi tutto

Today, 12:35


A1 Milan-Napoli: Coda Causa Due vehicle or failure near the South connection A1/Direct

On the A1 Milan-Napoli there are current inconveniences for traffic due to a vehicle stopped ... leggi tutto

Today, 12:35


SS225 of Fontanabuona: alternate one -way due to work

It should be noted that a alternating one -way is active on the SS225 of ... leggi tutto

Today, 12:35

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