Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Bollettino viabilità strade italiane

Aggiornato al 25/03/2025 23:06


SS361 Septedana: Chorsa Chiusa

On the SS361 Septedana there are significant slowdowns due to a landslide that forced the ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:06


SS336DIR of the Malpensa airport: slowdowed traffic due to works

Due to the ongoing works, there are slowdowns on the section of the SS336DIR of ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:06


A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: closed service area due to works near the East Scudillo

It is important to report to travelers that the SCUDILLO EST service area, located along ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:05


A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: Chiusa entrance causes works near Arenella

The entry of the Naples ring road near arenella is currently closed to traffic due ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:05


A8 Milan-Varese: slowdowed traffic causes works near West Origgent

On the stretches of 8 Milan-Varese, slowdowns are reported due to work in progress near ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:04


A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: Chiusa entrance causes works near Capodimonte

It should be noted that the entry on the A56 Tangenziale di Napoli , near Capodimonte ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:04


A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: Chiusa entrance causes works near Capodichino

The Naples ring road , towards Pozzuoli , currently presents traffic limitations. The entry of Capodichino is ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:03


A56 Naples ring road: closed section due to works near Capodimonte

Due to current works, a section of the A56 Naples ring road is currently closed ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:03


A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: closed exit causes works near Arenella

The A56 Naples ring road has a closure of the release of arenella , due to ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:02


A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: closed exit causes works near Vomero

It should be noted that the exit of vomero on the A56 Naples ring road ... leggi tutto

Today, 23:01

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