On the a1 Milan-Napoli there is a tail of 4 km due to congested traffic near Naples. The current situation concerns the area between the node Naples Directional Center and the node A1/Acerra-Aphragola .
We recommend to all motorists from Naples to use the node noun of the directional center as a recommended exit to avoid further congestion.
details on the current situation:
- Interested part: a1 Milan-Napoli
- tail: 4 km
- Location: between node Naples Directional Center and Node A1/Acerra-Afragola
- Cause: Congestioni traffic
- Recommended exit: node Naples Directional Center
is recommended to all drivers to keep calm and follow the indications provided, respecting the speed limit and maintaining the safety distance.
(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)