Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Bollettino viabilità strade italiane
Aggiornato al 27/03/2025 00:07

A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: traffic slowed down causes works near Capodimonte
On the Naples ring road , there are current traffic slowdowns in the direction of Capodimonte ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:07

A56 Naples ring road: tail causes works near the hospital area
There are significant inconveniences on the A56 Tangenziale di Napoli due to ongoing works. Currently ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:57

SS196 of Villacidro: traffic blocked
An accident is causing the traffic block along the SS196 of Villacidro . Motorists are notified ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:46

A14 Bologna-Taranto: rain near Bari Nord
On the A14 Bologna-Taranto , there are currently rain conditions near Bari Nord . This situation can ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:44

A1 Milan-Napoli: rain near North Naples
On the a1 Milan-Napoli , there are conditions of rain near north Naples , with particular attention ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:42

A8 Milan-Varese: Tail causes works near A8/A9 connection
On the A8 Milan-Varese there are significant slowdowns due to ongoing works. The queues were ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:32

SS36 of Lake Como and Spluga: Reduction of roadway due to works
We report a roadway reduction along the SS36 of Lake Como and the Spluga due ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:26

A56 Naples ring road: closed output causes works near Vomero
The A56 Naples ring road informs the motorists that the exit towards vomero is currently ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:22

SS10 Inferiore Padana: closed section due to works
Maintenance works have been announced on the SS10 Padana Inferiore which will involve the total ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:22

A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: Chiusa entrance causes works near Camaldoli
The A56 Naples ring road currently presents a closing of the Camaldoli entrance due to ... leggi tutto
Today, 23:16