Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale
Bollettino viabilità strade italiane
Aggiornato al 24/03/2025 00:30

A1 Milan-Napoli: rain near Ponzano Romano-Sorarette
On the A1 Milan-Napoli there are bad weather conditions with intense rain near Ponzano Romano-Sorarette ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:30

SS67 Tosco Romagnola: accident
A car accident occurred along the SS67 Tosco Romagnola at the height of the cross ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:28

SS36 of Lake Como and Spluga: vehicle vehicle
We indicate a vehicle in failure along the SS36 of Lake Como and the Spluga ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:26

SS158 of the Valle del Volturno: alternate one -way cause due to works
It should be noted that a alternate one -way is active on the SS158 of ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:16

SS85 VENAFRANA: alternate one -way due to work
It should be noted that a SS85 Venafrana will be active a alternate one -way ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:11

A56 Naples ring road: closed service area due to works near Agnano Est
Due to current works, the area of service Agnano Est on the A56 Naples ring ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:03

A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: Chiusa entrance causes works near Capodimonte
The Naples ring road, precisely the entrance of Capodimonte, will be closed to traffic due ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:02

A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: closed service area due to works near West Scudillo
The West Shield Service Area , located along the A56 Naples ring road , is currently closed ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:02

A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: Chiusa entrance causes works near Arenella
following work in progress, the entry of the A56 Naples ring road in the direction ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:02

A56 Tangenziale di Napoli: closed service area due to works near the west customs
The Naples ring road presents an important closure that could influence the roads of motorists ... leggi tutto
Today, 00:02