Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Bollettino viabilità strade italiane

Aggiornato al 23/03/2025 19:58


SS5 via Tiburtina Valeria: slowed traffic

The traffic along the SS5 via Tiburtina Valeria is currently slowed down due to an ... leggi tutto

Today, 19:58


A1 Milan-Napoli: smoking due to fire vehicle near Florence Impruneta

A fire vehicle caused the lifting of smoke visible along the A1 motorway, near the ... leggi tutto

Today, 19:55


A1 Milan-Naples: Coda Caisse vehicle on fire near Florence Impruneta

signal tail of 3 km on the A1 Milan-Napoli, in a south direction, due to ... leggi tutto

Today, 19:53


A1 Milan-Napoli: slowdowed traffic due to intense traffic near South Florence

On the A1 Milan-Naples, traffic slowdowns are due to intense traffic near Florence South. This ... leggi tutto

Today, 19:45


A9 Lainate-Chiasso: Coda due to accident near Como

An accident on the a9 Lainate-Como-Chiasso is reported, which is causing a tail of about ... leggi tutto

Today, 19:44


A1 Milan-Naples: Coda Caisse vehicle on fire near Florence Impruneta

A critical situation is reported along the A1 Milan-Napoli motorway, in a south direction. Near ... leggi tutto

Today, 19:43


A1 Milan-Naples: Coda Caisse vehicle on fire near Florence Impruneta

On the a1 Milan-Napoli , there are currently significant slowdowns due to a fire vehicle near ... leggi tutto

Today, 19:42


A14 Bologna-Taranto: strong wind near Taranto

On the A14 Bologna-Taranto are reported strong winds, especially near the city of Taranto. This ... leggi tutto

Today, 19:34


SS162 of the Caudina Valley: slowed traffic

On the SS162 of the Caudina Valley , the traffic is currently slowed down due to ... leggi tutto

Today, 19:34


A9 Lainate-Chiasso: Coda due to accident near Como

On the a9 Lainate-Como-Chiasso , there are slowdowns and a tail of about 1 km due ... leggi tutto

Today, 19:26

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