The SS439 Sarzanese Valdera is registering slowed traffic due to the presence of spreading means in action along the route. The current situation concerns the stretch between 10,246 km and km 12,258, respectively after the crossing of Calcinaia and before the intersection of Pomarance.

We recommend to all motorists to pay particular attention and to maintain the safety distance, given the possibility of slippery road conditions. In addition, it is useful to consider alternative routes to avoid traffic congestion.


  • road : SS439 Sarzanese Valdera
  • traffic : slowed down
  • Causes : Sparisal means in action
  • Interested part :
  • After CALCINAIA crossroads (km 10,246)
  • First of Pomarance crossing (km 12,258)

It is recommended to travel with prudence and to follow the indications of the competent authorities.

(source: CCISS; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)