An intense swallowing on the a1 Milan-Napoli due to a car accident is reported. The tail extends for 4 km near valsamoggia , precisely between the A1 crossroads and the A14 Bo Casalecchio connection.
To ensure safety and comfort during the trip, the following indications are recommended:
Recommended entry to Milan: Use the exit of Valsamoggia.
Recommended exit coming from Florence: head towards Bologna Casalecchio, following the A1-A14 Bologna Casalecchio fitting.
All motorists are invited to pay particular attention and to respect the speed limits, maintaining the safety distance and following the indications provided by the competent authorities.
- Treaty concerned: a1 Milan-Napoli
- Location: valsamoggia
- cause: accident
- tail: 4 km
- Recommended entry: valsamoggia (towards Milan)
- Recommended exit (from Florence): Bologna Casalecchio (on A1-A14 connection)
In-depth analysis: what to do in the event of an accident?
(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)