On the a1 Milan-Napoli , there are currently strong slowdowns due to an accident that occurred near San Giuliano . The traffic situation is critical, with queues reported between the A1 crossroads and the East ring road of Milan.

It is essential to pay attention and keep calm while circulating in this area. Local authorities have already intervened to manage the emergency and restore normal viability conditions.

For all motorists, it is recommended to:

  • avoid the path if not strictly necessary
  • use alternative paths to reach the destination
  • maintain a safety distance from moving vehicles
  • pay attention to the operators present along the road

It is recommended to stay updated through the official channels of the road network and to follow the indications provided by the police on the spot. Road safety must always be the priority.

Read also what to do in the event of an accident .
(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)