On the A10 Genova-Savona, there are current road problems due to a stopped vehicle, which caused a tail of about 1 km. The slowdowns extend between Albisola and the A10 crossroads/Savona coplanar start.
Recommendations for motorists:
- Keep the calm and follow the indications of the road staff.
- Stay in your vehicle If you don't need to go down, to guarantee your safety.
- respects the speed limits and safety distances from the surrounding vehicles.
- remain updated on traffic conditions through local apps or radio.
Traffic details:
- Type of problem: Avying vehicle
- position: a10 Genova-Savona
- affected section: between Albisola and Bivio A10/Savona coplanar
- Length of the tail: 1 km
It is recommended to motorists to plan alternative routes where possible and always pay attention to road signs.
(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)