near Ravenna, on the A14 Bologna-Taranto, the presence of dense fog is reported. Visibility in this area is reduced to 80 meters , which can represent a serious risk for road safety.

We recommend all motorists to pay particular attention and adopt the following precautions:

  • reduce speed : maintain adequate speed for visibility conditions.

  • Turn on the lights : use the ugly headlights to improve visibility and get noticed by other road users.

  • maintain a safety distance : increase the distance between your vehicle and what precedes, to have more reaction time.

  • avoiding rising risks : in conditions of fog, it is advisable to avoid dangerous maneuvers such as overtaking.

It is recommended to remain updated on road conditions and to plan the journey taking into consideration any delays caused by the reduced visibility.


  • Treat : A14 Bologna-Taranto
  • locality : Ravenna
  • Visibility : 80 meters
  • Conditions : dense fog

(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)