It should be noted that along the A16 Naples-Canating motorway, the traffic is currently blocked in the east direction near Vallata due to a vehicle stopped by failure. The situation is also critical between Grottaminarda and Vallata, where traffic blocking is creating significant inconvenience for motorists.

To ensure safety during transit, it is recommended to:

  • Pay attention to the directions and the warning signals.
  • Maintain a safe distance from the preceding vehicle.
  • avoid brusque maneuvers and unnecessary lane changes.

It is recommended to motorists to anticipate the trip and take into consideration alternative routes to avoid delays. It is also recommended to maintain calm and patience until the normal recovery of circulation.


  • Autostrada : A16 Naples-Canous
  • Interested part : between Grottaminarda and Vallata
  • Cause : vehicle in failure
  • direction : Est

monitored the road updates for more information on recovery of traffic.

(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)