On the SS336DIR of Malpensa airport , there is a vehicle or failure vehicle that is causing traffic inconveniences. The accident took place from 15:30 on March 6, 2025 and is located between the Taranto junction and the crossroads SP117 in the direction of Bari.
It is recommended for drivers to pay particular attention and to follow the indications provided by the road signs. The presence of the vehicle in failure may require a deviation of traffic or slowdowns in the circulation.
details of the situation:
- type of problem: vehicle stopped or in failure
- date and time: March 6, 2025, from 15:30
- location: ss336dir, between Taranto junction and crossing SP117
- Direction: Bari
It is recommended to maintain the safety distance and to drive caution in the area, to ensure their own safety and other road users.
(source: CCISS; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)