On the A11 Florence-Pisa Nord currently reported inconvenience for motorists due to an accident that took place near Capannori. The situation led to the formation of a tail of about 2 km between Chiesina Uzzanese and Capannori.

All users of the road is invited to maintain calm and driving carefully given the high volume of traffic in the area. It is advisable to use alternative courses where possible and pay attention to the indications provided by the competent authorities.

details of the accident:

  • motorway section : A11 Florence-Pisa Nord
  • Location : between Chiesina Uzzanese and Capannori
  • Length of the tail : about 2 km
  • causes : road accident

It is reminded of all motorists to respect the safety distance and report any firm in lane or dangerous situations. Safety is a priority for everyone.

Read also what to do in the event of an accident .
(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)