Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Bollettino viabilità strade italiane

Aggiornato al 10/03/2025 09:29


SS1 via Aurelia: closed roadway

Attention to motorists: the ss1 via Aurelia presents a closed roadway due to ongoing works ... leggi tutto

Today, 09:29


SS77 of the Val di Chienti: accident

An accident occurred on the SS77 of the Val di Chienti , precisely to the intersection ... leggi tutto

Today, 09:28


SS2 Via Cassia: Chorsa Chiusa

On the ss2 via Cassia , we report the closure of a lane due to current ... leggi tutto

Today, 09:26


SS87 Sannitica: accident

A traffic accident is reported on the SS87 Sannitica , near the intersection with the Termoli ... leggi tutto

Today, 09:26


SS336 of Malpensa airport: slowed traffic

We report a slowdowed traffic on the SS336 near Malpensa airport. The main cause of ... leggi tutto

Today, 09:24


SS7 via Appia: slowed traffic

On the SS7 via Appia , there are currently a slowdowns of traffic due to an ... leggi tutto

Today, 09:24


A13 Bologna-Padova: Coda due to the accident near Monselice

On the A13 Bologna-Padova there are currently inconvenience due to an accident that occurred near ... leggi tutto

Today, 09:22


A11 Florence-Pisa Nord: slowdowed traffic due to intense traffic near A11/A1 connection

On the A11 Florence-Pisa Nord, there are slowdowns due to intense traffic near the A11 ... leggi tutto

Today, 09:22


SS1 via Aurelia: slowed traffic

Slow traffic is reported on the ss1 via Aurelia due to an accident that occurred ... leggi tutto

Today, 09:22


SS624 Palermo-Becca: maintenance works

are reported maintenance works along the SS624 Palermo-glue , in the direction of Sciacca. The works ... leggi tutto

Today, 09:22

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