Attention to motorists in transit on the SS113Dir northern branch Sicilian : slow down in traffic are reported.

The inconveniences occur between 3,834 km after the Sparta intersection and 2,471 km before the crossing Villafranca Tirrena .

It is advisable to pay attention and maintain an adequate safety distance from the vehicles that precede, to avoid further inconveniences and guarantee safe driving.

details of the accident:

  • Location: SS113DIR northern branch Sicilian
  • interested areas: slowdowns between:
  • 3,834 km after crossing Sparta
  • 2,471 km before crossing Villafranca Tirrena
  • current state: slowed traffic

It is recommended to follow the indications of the road staff and to inquire about any updates.

(source: CCISS; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)