On the A14 Bologna-Taranto , the traffic is currently blocked due to an accident that occurred near Civitanova Marche , in the province of Macerata. The situation is particularly critical between Porto Sant'Elpidio and Civitanova Marche , where significant queues and slowdowns are recorded.

It is advisable for drivers who are in the area to pay particular attention and to consider alternative itineraries to avoid the stretch affected by the accident.

The key points of the current situation are:

  • Autostrada : A14 Bologna-Taranto
  • locality of the accident : vicinity of Civitanova Marche
  • Traffic : blocked between Porto Sant'Elpidio and Civitanova Marche
  • Road condition : significant queues and slowdowns

We recommend that you remain updated through the official traffic sources and to adopt prudence in driving maneuvers, avoiding to hinder emergency traffic.

In-depth analysis: what to do in the event of an accident?
(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)