We signal a traffic slowdown along the SS7 via Appia due to a instabilities. The situation is particularly critical between the kilometer 4,934 , after the Cello-Fasani crossroads on the SS430 Valle del Garigliano and the crossing of the Caserta Nord Case of the A1 Milan-Napoli motorway.

It is advisable to pay particular attention while driving in this section and consider alternative paths to avoid delays. The situation is monitored by the competent authorities, who are working to resolve the problem.

details on the accident:

  • Type: slowdown in traffic
  • Location: SS7 via Appia
  • Km interested: 4,934
  • Causes: Instalcious road surface
  • near: Celle-Fasani crossroads (SS430 Valle del Garigliano) and Casello Nord Casel crossing (A1 Milan-Napoli)

motorists are recommended to maintain a safety distance and pay attention to any road reports present.

(source: CCISS; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)