On the A24 Rome-Athemo, there are currently rain conditions near Teramo. It is important to pay attention while driving to maintain road safety.

The weather conditions vary, with rain also between Carsoli and Oricola , as well as at the crossroads between A24 and SS 80 (SGC Giulianova). We take this opportunity to remind all motorists to adopt prudent behavior while driving in case of bad weather.

For safer guide, we recommend:

  • Reduce speed : in rain conditions, it is essential to lower the speed to increase the vehicle control.

  • maintain the safety distance : increase the distance from the preceding vehicle allows you to have more time for reactions in case of sudden braking.

  • turn on the headlights : in case of rain, turn on the headlights not only increases their visibility but also helps the other motorists to see us better.

  • Check the tire status : tires in good condition are essential to guarantee adequate adherence.

We remind everyone to travel with prudence and pay attention to traffic conditions in these areas.

details :

  • Autostrada : A24 Rome-Athemo
  • locality : near Teramo, between Carsoli and Oricola
  • Conditions : rain
  • Recommendations : prudent guide, speed reduction, safety distance.

(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)