Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Bollettino viabilità strade italiane

Aggiornato al 02/03/2025 22:42


A16 Naples-Canous: strong wind near A16/A14 connection

On the A16 Naples-Canous there are conditions of strong wind near the A16/A14 flooding ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:42


SS3BIS Tiberine Bis (E45): vehicle in failure

A failure vehicle is creating inconvenience to circulation on the ss3bis bis Tiberina (E45) . The ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:36


SS16 Adriatica: slowed traffic

We report a traffic slowdown on the Adriatic SS16 due to an accident that occurred ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:36


SS231 of S.Vittoria: slowed traffic

The situation on the SS231 of S.Vittoria currently presents slowed traffic due to an ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:24


A1 Milan-Napoli: strong wind near A1/A16 connection

On A1 Milan-Napoli and A16 motorways, there are conditions of strong winds in the following ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:21


SS714 NSA343-NSA297 Pescara ring road: slowed traffic

A car accident is causing significant slowdowns on the ring road of Pescara , in particular ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:20


SS647 branch B FUND BAFERNO VALLE (START INGOTTE): Reduction of roadway due to work

starting from the 08:00 on March 3, 2025 and up to 17:00 on ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:09


A9 Lainate-Chiasso: Closed stretch causes works near Chiasso

The closure of the A9 Lainate-Como-Chiasso motorway section, in the direction of Chiasso, due to ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:08


A9 Lainate-Chiasso: Closed stretch causes works near A9/Tang connection. of Como

On the A9 Lainate-Chiasso, an important section is currently closed due to works in progress ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:06


SS647 Fondo Valle del Biferno: alternate one -way cause due to works

starting from the 08:00 on March 5, 2025 , the section of the SS647 Fondo ... leggi tutto

Today, 22:04

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