Maintenance works are underway on the SS17 of the Abruzzo Apennines and Appululo-Annitico . The affected area is located between kilometer 1,917, after the intersection with the SS647 Fondo Valle del Biferno , and the kilometer 3.005, before the intersection with Guardiagia - SS158 dir , towards Sannitico.
It is recommended to motorists to pay maximum attention and to prepare any alternative paths to avoid delays and congestion situations.
details on the works:
- Interested part : SS17, km 1.917 - Km 3.005
- direction : towards Sannitico
- in progress : road maintenance
It is recommended to follow the signs on the spot, maintain a safety distance and reduce the speed near the construction sites.
(source: CCISS; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)