On the A7 Serravalle-Genova, there are conditions of fog near Canton Island . The phenomenon significantly reduces visibility, which currently stands on the 90 meters . This could lead to an increased risk of accidents and inconveniences in traffic.

We recommend all motorists to pay particular attention and adopt more prudent driving behaviors, such as:

  • Reduce speed : fog requires slower guide to guarantee an adequate reaction in case of unexpected events.

  • Using the headlights : turning on the ugly headlights is essential to improve visibility, both for themselves and for other cars.

  • maintain safety distances : increase the safety distance from the preceding vehicle, since reaction times can extend in conditions of poor visibility.

Information summary:

  • Treat : A7 Serravalle-Genova
  • locality : Canton Island
  • Condition : fog with visibility of 90 meters

With the approach of these atmospheric conditions, everyone is recommended to remain updated on traffic information and to plan their movements carefully.

(Source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)