A car accident occurred along the SS16 Adriatica , in particular at the intersection of Polesella . The competent authorities have already intervened to manage the situation and guarantee the safety of motorists.

The users of the road is invited to pay the utmost attention and to respect the indications provided by the temporary signs and the police present on the site.

details of the accident:

  • Location: SS16 Adriatica, intersection of Polesella
  • type of event: road accident
  • Current situation: intervention of the current authorities

To ensure one's safety and that of others, it is fundamental:

  • Reduce the speed in the stretch affected by the accident
  • avoid hindering emergency vehicles
  • Use alternative routes, if available

It is recommended to motorists to stay updated on the state of traffic and to plan any deviations in their itinerary.

Read also what to do in case of accident .
(source: CCISS; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)