Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Bollettino viabilità strade italiane

Aggiornato al 21/02/2025 16:20


SS131 Carlo Felice: vehicle in failure

We indicate a vehicle in failure on the SS131 Carlo Felice , at the height of ... leggi tutto

Today, 16:20


A1 Milan-Napoli: tail causes congested traffic near Pontecorvo

On A1 Milan-Napoli, in the direction of Naples, are reported code of 5 km near ... leggi tutto

Today, 16:15


A10 Genoa-Savona: slowdowed traffic due to intense traffic near Genoa

On the A10 Genova-Savona, there are traffic slowdowns due to conditions of intense vehicular influx ... leggi tutto

Today, 16:13


A52 North ring road of Milan: queues at times due to intense traffic near Milan

are reported at times on the north ring road of Milan (A52) due to intense ... leggi tutto

Today, 16:09


SS36 of Lake Como and Spluga: slowed traffic

In the SS36 of Lake Como and Spluga , there are slowdowns in traffic due to ... leggi tutto

Today, 16:08


SS372 Telesina: vehicle in failure

We indicate a vehicle in failure along the SS372 Telesina at the intersection with Masseria ... leggi tutto

Today, 16:06


SS9 via Emilia: accident

An accident occurred on the SS9 via Emilia at the intersection with the SS255 of ... leggi tutto

Today, 16:02


A1 Milan-Napoli: tail causes congested traffic near Pontecorvo

On the a1 Milan-Napoli there are currently significant slowdowns due to congested traffic, reported near ... leggi tutto

Today, 16:01


SS410DIR branch of Naro: maintenance works

Maintenance works are underway on the SS410DIR branch of Naro , which could cause inconvenience to ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:58


SS727 Forlì ring road: maintenance works

Starting today, maintenance works that could influence the road network in the area have started ... leggi tutto

Today, 15:54

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