Viabilità e traffico in tempo reale

Bollettino viabilità strade italiane
Aggiornato al 14/03/2025 10:28

A1 Milan-Naples: queues at times due to intense traffic near South connection A1/Direct
On the A1 Milan-Napoli motorway, queues at times are reported due to intense traffic. The ... leggi tutto
Today, 10:28

SS20 of the Colle di Tenda and Valle Roja: maintenance works
On the SS20 of the Colle di Tenda and Valle Roja 600 meters after the ... leggi tutto
Today, 10:24

A14 Bologna-Taranto: Coda cause closed trait near Pescara South-French
The inconveniences on the A14 Bologna-Taranto are reported due to a closed stretch near south-French ... leggi tutto
Today, 10:23

SS16 Adriatica: Chorsa Chiusa
On the SS16 Adriatica are reported maintenance works that involve the closure of a lane ... leggi tutto
Today, 10:22

A25 Torano-Pescara: slowdowed traffic due to accident near Scafa-Alanno
Sitting situation slowed down along the A25 Torano-Pescara due to an accident that occurred in ... leggi tutto
Today, 10:20

A1 Milan-Napoli: tail causes works near Fabro
On the a1 Milan-Napoli , there are currently significant slowdowns due to work in progress near ... leggi tutto
Today, 10:18

A1 Milan-Naples: Coda due to congestion traffic near Florence Scandicci
On the a1 Milan-Napoli , they currently report queues due to congested traffic near Florence Scandicci ... leggi tutto
Today, 10:16

SS76 of Val D Esino: slowed traffic
On the SS76 of the Val d'Esino , there is a slowdown in traffic due ... leggi tutto
Today, 10:16

A11 Florence-Pisa Nord: tail causes intense traffic near Florence Peretola
A situation of intense traffic is reported on the A11 Florence-Pisa Nord . The queues are ... leggi tutto
Today, 10:15

SS26 Della Valle d Aosta: alternate one -way cause due to maintenance works
A alternate one -way on the SS26 of the Aosta Valley is active due to ... leggi tutto
Today, 10:14