On the SS25 of Moncenisio there are intense snow conditions. The situation concerns a specific section, located about 2,933 km after the cross of Susa, in the direction of the intersection of the Colle di Moncenisio and the border with France.
Report details:
- Strada: SS25 of Moncenisio
- Interested part: 2.933 km after the susa intersection
- Conditions: snow
motorists are recommended to pay particular attention while traveling this path. Here are some useful information to face these conditions:
moderate speed: adapt the speed to weather conditions.
security distance: maintain a wider distance from the preceding vehicles.
winter tires: check that the vehicles are equipped with winter tires or chains, if required.
Check the forecasts: before traveling, it is advisable to check the weather forecasts and updates on the road network.
Stay up to date for more information and changes to the traffic situation. Security comes first.
(source: CCISS; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)