Using is notified that the dialing of the Directional Center are underway on the maintenance work at the caravite crossing. These interventions concern the stretch in the direction of the Maranda crossroads and the bar branch junction of the A1-A3 connection.

It is advisable to pay particular attention and to follow the temporary signs in the area. Surrowings and traffic restrictions may occur during the work period.

Report details:

  • Road: SS162DIR branch of the Directional Center
  • Location: Caravite crossroads
  • Management: Maranda crossroads/Ramo Batrol bar connection A1-A3
  • type of intervention: maintenance work

motorists are recommended to increase prudence and plan alternative paths if possible, to avoid congestion. Keep calm and limit the distractions while you are driving.

(source: CCISS; image for illustrative or repertoire purposes)