On the A27 Venezia - Belluno, adverse weather conditions are reported due to rain. The most affected areas are near Fadalto and Lago Santa Croce, where the wetness of the road can affect traffic safety.
In addition, precipitation is also recorded between the A27 Node and the SPV Pedemontana and Fadalto.
Drivers are advised to pay particular attention and adopt prudent behavior when driving, in order to ensure their own safety and that of other road users.
- Section affected: A27 Venice - Belluno
- Location: Fadalto, Lago Santa Croce
- Weather conditions: Rain
- Areas on alert: A27 junction - SPV Pedemontana and Fadalto
It is recommended to maintain an adequate safety distance, moderate speed and turn on the headlights, even during the day, to improve visibility.
(source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or stock purposes only)