A vehicle is currently stationary or broken down along the SS336dir of Malpensa Airport, causing possible traffic disruption. The problem is located between the Taranto Nord Barrier and the SP117 - Buscate-Cuggiono Intersection in the direction of Taranto.

Motorists are advised to pay particular attention and respect the speed limits, as the presence of the stationary vehicle may require extra attention to ensure the safety of all road users.

Report data:

  • Road: SS336dir of Malpensa Airport
  • Type of problem: Vehicle stopped or broken down
  • Time of event: 09:27 on 31 January 2025
  • Location: Between Barriera Di Taranto Nord and Incrocio SP117 - Buscate-Cuggiono
  • Direction: Taranto

Please follow any instructions provided by the competent authorities and, if possible, consider alternative routes to avoid the affected section.

(source: cciss ; image for illustrative or stock purposes)