Traffic on the SS107 Silana Crotonese is currently slowed down due to a broken-down vehicle. The accident is located at the intersection with the Variante di Spezzano della Sila, in the direction of the intersection with Passovecchio and the SS106 and SS107bis roads.

Motorists are advised to pay attention and, if possible, use alternative routes to avoid traffic jams.


  • Road: SS107 Silana Crotonese
  • Location: Variante Di Spezzano Della Sila intersection
  • Direction: towards Passovecchio intersection - SS106 and SS107bis
  • Cause: vehicle broken down
  • Status: slow traffic

We remind all road users to stay calm and respect speed limits, as well as pay attention to signs and the behavior of other drivers.

(source: cciss ; image for illustrative purposes or (of repertoire)