On the A30 Caserta-Salerno, traffic slowdowns are reported due to a stationary or broken-down vehicle near the A30/A1 junction.

Furthermore, there are further inconveniences for drivers between Nola and the A30/A1 Milan-Naples junction, where another broken-down vehicle is causing congestion. It is recommended to pay attention and respect the safety distance.


  • Section involved: A30 Caserta-Salerno
  • Causes: Vehicle stopped due to breakdown
  • Location: Near the A30/A1 junction and between Nola and the A30/A1 Milan-Naples junction
  • Effects: Slow traffic

Motorists are advised to follow the road safety signs and, if possible, avoid the indicated section until the situation returns to normal.

(source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative purposes or (of repertoire)