Today, there are traffic problems on the A24 Rome-Teramo due to a broken-down vehicle.

The Portonaccio exit is currently closed for traffic coming from the Grande Raccordo Anulare (G.R.A.). Drivers are therefore advised to pay attention and follow alternative signs to avoid congestion and inconvenience.

It is recommended to use the Via Fiorentini exit as an alternative to continue your journey safely.

Information summary:

  • Road affected: A24 Rome-Teramo
  • Exit closed: Portonaccio
  • Cause: Vehicle broken down
  • Traffic coming from: G.R.A.
  • Recommended exit: Via Fiorentini

Please be careful and cautious when driving, respecting road signs and the instructions of operators on duty.

(source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or stock purposes only)