Adverse weather conditions are reported along the A12 Genoa-Rome motorway, in particular due to strong winds near Rosignano. Motorists in transit are advised to pay particular attention and reduce speed to ensure personal safety and that of other road users.

The areas most affected by this phenomenon are indicated below:

  • A12 Section: Rosignano
  • Traffic: Due to strong winds, slowdowns may occur.
  • Intersection: Between Pisa Centro and the SS1 Aurelia Sud/A12 connection.

It is advisable to maintain an adequate safety distance and pay attention to lighter vehicles that may be more affected by the wind. For everyone's safety, it is advisable to follow the instructions provided by road signs and the competent authorities.

Finally, it is recommended to stay updated on traffic conditions and consider alternative routes if possible.

(source: motorway traffic service; image for illustrative or stock purposes)