Yesterday a rather dramatic event took place on the Autostrada del Sole due to the power and damage that motorists had to suffer. Let's find out how we can protect ourselves from sudden hailstorms that damage our car.
With the beautiful summer season, sudden hailstorms can happen. In case we are driving and find ourselves in the middle of a grandine storm, then the damage we can suffer to our car can be really huge.
What happened yesterday near the A1 motorway near Fidenza is something truly exceptional. Huge hailstones that have literally devastated the glass of the cars and even the bodywork.
All this, however, is not covered by the normal Auto TPL insurance which is required by law but only covers the minimum in terms of insurance.
There are in fact a whole series of # extra insurances that can be integrated and are therefore optional. For what happened yesterday, or an intense hailstorm, the advice is to take out a supplementary policy for natural events.
In this way we could expand the protections of our basic RC Car thus covering an important protection against hail, but also against natural events.
In fact, this accessory guarantee allows the vehicle to be protected from any damage caused by hail but also from other exceptional natural events.
We are talking, for example, of storms, but also of tornadoes or simple wind . This ancillary policy also covers floods, avalanches, but also landslides and floods.
So if our area is often subject to abundant rain or we live in the mountains and we are afraid of landslides and avalanches, we can protect our car.
In many cases it is also possible to take out insurance that protects against damage caused by the wind, such as objects pulled by the wind and colliding with our car.
In some cases it is possible to have deductibles, but in some other cases the insurance policy fully covers damages without any excess. In the latter case, obviously, the insurance will have a higher annual cost since, not providing the deductible, the insurance must protect itself and already have a certain amount of money in itself for eventually compensation.
We look closely at the ceilings because they are a fundamental aspect and are often linked to the value of the car.
The deductible is also an important aspect as in many cases a major hail storm could almost lead to the total ruin of the car, with a repair cost almost higher than the value of the car itself.
Given the climatic variations of recent periods, the advice is to subscribe as soon as possible a supplementary insurance against natural events that will make us remain absolutely serene whenever an exceptional climatic event occurs.