In Italy we can find significant differences between two insurances, linked to the same person. Let's find out what the cost of the insurance premium is linked to within our beautiful country.

Quite often when chatting with our friends, we find that we pay a lot more in terms of insurance than our friends. After a first moment of amazement and feeling almost incapable of knowing how to make the most of market opportunities, we must remember some important aspects.

Basically insurances have a high cost in case they have more protections. This is a very general discourse which obviously must also be considered by virtue of the possible presence of more expensive companies. Eliminating any question of an excessive cost of insurance linked to the too cumbersome structure of the insurance itself, and which therefore places its management costs on the annual insurance premium of motorists, we must make a very precise note.

Basically the cost of the insurance premium that we pay essentially depends on the probability that a claim will occur or not, and also on the guarantee we want to have.

Let's assume we have insurance and want to protect our person, or rather the driver, against any damage and injury. If we have a low cap, clearly the premium will be lower. If, on the other hand, we have a higher ceiling, clearly the ceiling will be higher. Therefore, depending on how much we would like to receive in the event that a certain event occurs, obviously the insurance increases in terms of annual cost.

Mainly to calculate the insurance premium we must also consider the type of vehicle, the characteristics of the latter in terms of fiscal horsepower, the type of power supply, the presence of safety accessories such as the satellite alarm or the automatic braking of emergency. We must also not forget that it affects how long the driving license and the class of merit have been held.

An important aspect is also the city of residence. In fact, if we live in a city where there are more critical driving situations, compared to a city where there are almost no accidents, this makes the insurance much quieter and therefore the premium is much lower.

However, making estimates is worthwhile, and it is also worth changing the insurance. In Italy there are about 40 insurance companies . In addition, tacit renewal has been abolished since 2013 and therefore it is no longer necessary to cancel the policy. For this reason, if we are not adequately satisfied with our insurance, we can easily move to another insurance without having to cancel our insurance.

Evaluating insurance online is certainly something interesting as there is greater transparency regarding all information. In fact, we can compare different types of information in order to have the clearest and most in line with our type of guide.

When it comes to car insurance, there are also a whole series of other types of guarantees that can be included.

For example, we are talking about driver accident protection which compensates the driver of the vehicle in the event of a faulty accident. Let's not forget also the roadside assistance that allows us in the event of an accident or accident, to receive small repairs and roadside assistance for the vehicle in Italy or in Europe. The legal protection also allows us to have compensation for legal expenses that have been incurred as a result of non-loss. Theft / fire is clearly that occasion in which, in the event of theft of the vehicle or damage caused by an attempted theft or in the event of a fire, it allows us to have a certain reimbursement from the insurance. The window guarantee allows us to obtain compensation for the breakage of the vehicle's windows caused by people or by unforeseen events. If, on the other hand, we are afraid of hail, the guarantee for natural events is the right one for us. The kasko instead covers any type of compensation related to our car, but the cost of which is very high.

Finally, we remind you that there may also be a change in the final price of the insurance if we consider the annual payment or the semi-annual or installment payment . By paying the insurance in installments, in the vast majority of cases, there are increases in terms of costs deriving from the installments.

For this reason, if we do not have major liquidity problems, our advice is to pay in a single solution, in order to have a final cost lower than the cost for a characterization.


credit photo Photo by Mike from Pexels